Source code for src.handlers.start_menu

# Copyright (C) 2019, 2020  alfred richardsn
# This file is part of TellerBot.
# TellerBot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with TellerBot.  If not, see <>.
"""Handlers for start menu."""
import re
import typing
from random import SystemRandom
from string import ascii_lowercase
from time import time

import pymongo
from aiogram import types
from aiogram.dispatcher import FSMContext
from aiogram.dispatcher.filters import Command
from aiogram.dispatcher.filters.state import any_state
from aiogram.types import InlineKeyboardButton
from aiogram.types import InlineKeyboardMarkup
from aiogram.utils.emoji import emojize
from babel import Locale
from babel import parse_locale
from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError

from src import states
from src import whitelist
from import dp
from import tg
from src.config import config
from src.database import database
from src.database import database_user
from src.handlers.base import orders_list
from src.handlers.base import private_handler
from src.handlers.base import start_keyboard
from src.i18n import i18n
from import gateway_currency_regexp

[docs]def locale_keyboard(): """Get inline keyboard markup with available locales.""" keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup() for language in i18n.available_locales: keyboard.row( InlineKeyboardButton( Locale(parse_locale(language)[0]).display_name, callback_data="locale {}".format(language), ) ) return keyboard
[docs]@private_handler(commands=["start"], state=any_state) async def handle_start_command(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): """Handle /start. Ask for language if user is new or show menu. """ user = { "id":, "chat":, "mention": message.from_user.mention, "has_username": bool(message.from_user.username), } args = message.text.split() if len(args) > 1: if args[1][0] == "_": search_filter = {"mention": "@" + args[1][1:], "has_username": True} else: search_filter = {"referral_code": args[1]} referrer_user = await database.users.find_one(search_filter) if referrer_user: user["referrer"] = referrer_user["id"] if referrer_user.get("referrer"): user["referrer_of_referrer"] = referrer_user["referrer"] result = await database.users.update_one( {"id": user["id"], "chat": user["chat"]}, {"$setOnInsert": user}, upsert=True ) if not result.matched_count: await tg.send_message(, i18n("choose_language"), reply_markup=locale_keyboard() ) return await state.finish() await tg.send_message(, i18n("help_message"), reply_markup=start_keyboard() )
[docs]@dp.callback_query_handler( lambda call:"locale "), state=any_state ) async def locale_button(call: types.CallbackQuery): """Choose language from list.""" locale =[1] await database.users.update_one( {"id":}, {"$set": {"locale": locale}} ) i18n.ctx_locale.set(locale) await call.answer() await tg.send_message(, i18n("help_message"), reply_markup=start_keyboard() )
[docs]@private_handler(commands=["create"], state=any_state) @private_handler( lambda msg: msg.text.startswith(emojize(":heavy_plus_sign:")), state=any_state ) async def handle_create(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): """Start order creation by asking user for currency they want to buy.""" current_time = time() user_orders = await database.orders.count_documents( { "user_id":, "start_time": {"$gt": current_time - config.ORDERS_LIMIT_HOURS * 3600}, } ) if user_orders >= config.ORDERS_LIMIT_COUNT: await tg.send_message(, i18n("exceeded_order_creation_time_limit {orders} {hours}").format( orders=config.ORDERS_LIMIT_COUNT, hours=config.ORDERS_LIMIT_HOURS ), ) return creation = {"user_id":} await database.creation.find_one_and_replace(creation, creation, upsert=True) await states.OrderCreation.first() await tg.send_message(, i18n("ask_buy_currency"), reply_markup=whitelist.currency_keyboard("buy"), )
[docs]@private_handler(commands=["book"], state=any_state) @private_handler( lambda msg: msg.text.startswith(emojize(":closed_book:")), state=any_state ) async def handle_book( message: types.Message, state: FSMContext, command: typing.Optional[Command.CommandObj] = None, ): r"""Show order book with specified currency pair. Currency pair is indicated with one or two space separated arguments after **/book** in message text. If two arguments are sent, then first is the currency order's creator wants to sell and second is the currency order's creator wants to buy. If one argument is sent, then it's any of the currencies in a pair. Any argument can be replaced with \*, which results in searching pairs with any currency in place of the wildcard. Examples: ============= ================================================= Command Description ============= ================================================= /book BTC USD Show orders that sell BTC and buy USD (BTC → USD) /book BTC * Show orders that sell BTC and buy any currency /book * USD Show orders that sell any currency and buy USD /book BTC Show orders that sell or buy BTC /book * * Equivalent to /book ============= ================================================= """ query = { "$or": [{"archived": {"$exists": False}}, {"archived": False}], "expiration_time": {"$gt": time()}, } if command is not None: source = message.text.upper().split() if len(source) == 2: currency = source[1] if currency != "*": regexp = gateway_currency_regexp(currency) query = {"$and": [query, {"$or": [{"sell": regexp}, {"buy": regexp}]}]} elif len(source) >= 3: sell, buy = source[1], source[2] if sell != "*": query["sell"] = gateway_currency_regexp(sell) if buy != "*": query["buy"] = gateway_currency_regexp(buy) cursor = database.orders.find(query).sort("start_time", pymongo.DESCENDING) quantity = await database.orders.count_documents(query) await state.finish() await orders_list( cursor,, 0, quantity, "orders", )
[docs]@private_handler(commands=["my"], state=any_state) @private_handler( lambda msg: msg.text.startswith(emojize(":bust_in_silhouette:")), state=any_state ) async def handle_my_orders(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): """Show user's orders.""" query = {"user_id":} cursor = database.orders.find(query).sort("start_time", pymongo.DESCENDING) quantity = await database.orders.count_documents(query) await state.finish() await orders_list(cursor,, 0, quantity, "my_orders")
[docs]@private_handler(commands=["locale"], state=any_state) @private_handler(lambda msg: msg.text.startswith(emojize(":abcd:")), state=any_state) async def choose_locale(message: types.Message): """Show list of languages.""" await tg.send_message(, i18n("choose_your_language"), reply_markup=locale_keyboard() )
[docs]@private_handler(commands=["help"], state=any_state) @private_handler( lambda msg: msg.text.startswith(emojize(":question:")), state=any_state ) async def help_command(message: types.Message): """Handle request to support.""" await states.asking_support.set() await tg.send_message(, i18n("request_question"), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( inline_keyboard=[ [InlineKeyboardButton(i18n("cancel"), callback_data="unhelp")] ] ), )
[docs]@private_handler(commands=["claim"], state=any_state) @private_handler( lambda msg: msg.text.startswith(emojize(":moneybag:")), state=any_state ) async def claim_cashback(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): """Start cashback claiming process by asking currency.""" documents = database.cashback.aggregate( [ {"$match": {"id":}}, {"$group": {"_id": "$currency", "amount": {"$sum": "$amount"}}}, {"$sort": {"_id": pymongo.ASCENDING}}, ] ) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1) empty = True async for document in documents: empty = False currency = document["_id"] amount = document["amount"] keyboard.row( InlineKeyboardButton( i18n("claim {amount} {currency}").format( amount=amount, currency=currency ), callback_data=f"claim_currency {currency}", ) ) if empty: await tg.send_message(, i18n("no_cashback"), reply_markup=keyboard ) else: await tg.send_message(, i18n("choose_cashback_currency"), reply_markup=keyboard )
[docs]@private_handler(commands=["creator", "c"], state=any_state) async def search_by_creator(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): """Search orders by creator. Creator is indicated with username (with or without @) or user ID after **/creator** or **/c** in message text. In contrast to usernames and user IDs, names aren't unique and therefore not supported. """ query: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = { "$or": [{"archived": {"$exists": False}}, {"archived": False}], "expiration_time": {"$gt": time()}, } source = message.text.split() try: creator = source[1] if creator.isdigit(): query["user_id"] = int(creator) else: mention_regexp = f"^{creator}$" if creator[0] == "@" else f"^@{creator}$" user = await database.users.find_one( { "mention": re.compile(mention_regexp, re.IGNORECASE), "has_username": True, } ) if user: query["user_id"] = user["id"] else: await tg.send_message(, i18n("user_not_found")) return except IndexError: await tg.send_message(, i18n("no_user_argument"), ) return cursor = database.orders.find(query).sort("start_time", pymongo.DESCENDING) quantity = await database.orders.count_documents(query) await state.finish() await orders_list( cursor,, 0, quantity, "orders", )
[docs]@private_handler(commands=["subscribe", "s"], state=any_state) @private_handler(commands=["unsubscribe", "u"], state=any_state) async def subcribe_to_pair( message: types.Message, state: FSMContext, command: Command.CommandObj, ): r"""Manage subscription to pairs. Currency pair is indicated with two space separated arguments after **/subscribe** or **/unsubscribe** in message text. First argument is the currency order's creator wants to sell and second is the currency order's creator wants to buy. Similarly to **/book**, any argument can be replaced with \*, which results in subscribing to pairs with any currency in place of the wildcard. Without arguments commands show list of user's subscriptions. """ source = message.text.upper().split() if len(source) == 1: user = await database.subscriptions.find_one({"id":}) sublist = "" if user: for i, sub in enumerate(user["subscriptions"]): sublist += "\n{}. {}{}".format( i + 1, sub["sell"] if sub["sell"] else "*", sub["buy"] if sub["buy"] else "*", ) if sublist: answer = i18n("your_subscriptions") + sublist else: answer = i18n("no_subscriptions") await tg.send_message(, answer, reply_markup=start_keyboard()) return try: sell, buy = source[1], source[2] sub = {"sell": None, "buy": None} if sell != "*": sub["sell"] = sell if buy != "*": sub["buy"] = buy except IndexError: await tg.send_message(, i18n("no_currency_argument"), reply_markup=start_keyboard(), ) return if command.command[0] == "s": update_result = await database.subscriptions.update_one( {"id":}, { "$setOnInsert": {"chat":}, "$addToSet": {"subscriptions": sub}, }, upsert=True, ) if not update_result.matched_count or update_result.modified_count: await tg.send_message(, i18n("subscription_added"), reply_markup=start_keyboard(), ) else: await tg.send_message(, i18n("subscription_exists"), reply_markup=start_keyboard(), ) elif command.command[0] == "u": delete_result = await database.subscriptions.update_one( {"id":}, {"$pull": {"subscriptions": sub}} ) if delete_result.modified_count: await tg.send_message(, i18n("subscription_deleted"), reply_markup=start_keyboard(), ) else: await tg.send_message(, i18n("subscription_delete_error"), reply_markup=start_keyboard(), ) else: raise AssertionError(f"Unknown command: {command.command}")